Channel Reiki Healing Energy

Reiki is a beautiful, gentle yet powerful Japanese energy healing technique used to reduce stress, enhance relaxation, and promote healing. It can be done in person or by distance. It is the use of universal life force energy to promote the highest and best good for self and others.

Here are just some of the benefits of Reiki:

  1. Reiki promotes stress reduction and relaxation, which in turn helps improve sleep, strengthens the immune system, and optimizes one’s overall health and well-being.

  2. Reiki helps to bring balance to the mind and emotions. It provides relief from emotional distress and helps in the grieving process by cleaning and clearing stuck emotions.

  3. Reiki provides relief from physical pain and can be an effective way to treat immediate problems and to speed up recovery after surgery or illness.

  4. Reiki helps open and heal the heart, allowing one to strengthen and heal personal relationships with self and others. It improves one’s capacity for empathy and allows for greater hope and optimism.

  5. Reiki brings about a sense of inner peace and harmony, which can be a very valuable tool in the quest for spiritual growth and improving practices such as meditation and mindfulness.

Want to hear Reiki students talking about their experience? Check out these videos:

Reiki Classes

Each year, Shamanic Soul Center offers all levels of Reiki training. These classes are unique in that they include not only a structured personal practice component, but also a clinic component for students to begin practicing their skills. Level 1 and Mastery classes offer hybrid options of attending in-person or via Zoom. Level II and Advanced include a practice clinic component and are offered via Zoom, which is just as powerful and effective because Reiki is an energetic/spiritual practice that transcends time and space. The dates for our classes are as follows:

2024 Classes

Reiki Level I - March 1st 9am-5pm Registration = $427

Reiki Level II - April 18th 2pm-5pm & April 25th 9am-5pm Registration = $537

Advanced Reiki - July 18th 2pm-5pm & July 25th 9am-5pm Registration = $587

Reiki Master Level - October 17th 2pm-5pm & October 24th 9am-5pm  Registration = $657

By learning to channel gentle yet powerful Reiki healing energy, you can establish a solid personal Reiki practice to enhance your own well-being AND gain the tools and skills you need to become a professional Reiki Practitioner.

Full Mastery Program Savings

Receive $210 off of the total cost when you register for the Full Reiki Mastery program, so instead of paying $2208 for all four classes, you will pay $1998. Use link above to register. If you prefer to pay in installments for the full program, please contact me to discuss that option.

Additional Info/Resources

After receiving several questions about our upcoming Reiki classes, I held a Free Reiki Intro Webinar to 1) give a brief overview of Reiki, 2) share the experiences of students from the 2020 class who did the first class in-person and the others via Zoom, 3) answer questions from those interested in taking the classes, 4) allow participants to get a taste of Reiki by ending with a Reiki treatment.

You can listen to or watch the recording:

Please email me if you have any questions or are interested in learning about payment plan options for the full program or any of the individual classes.