Spring is almost here! The Spring Equinox is tomorrow, Tuesday March 20th at 9:15am Pacific Time. This is a wonderful time of transition that has been celebrated all around the world since ancient times.
I have come to realize through working with so many clients that different people experience the seasons differently. So, while traditionally, Spring has been seen as a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, rebirth and regeneration, you may not experience Spring this way.
I work with several clients who tend to experience more of the lower frequency, heavier feeling energies in Spring/Summer and come to life in Autumn/Winter. So, all this woo-hoo, celebratory energy doesn't really resonate with them at this time of the year. If that's you, know and honor what your natural rhythms are and gift yourself the self-care that feels best for you.
But, if you're like me, and you come alive with the arrival of Spring, celebrate your heart out and honor the opportunity for New Beginnings that this season provides. Here, I'll share 4 things I do to connect with the beautiful Spring energies and rhythms and invite you to try some of these ideas and see how they feel for you:
1) I start dancing! Even though I live in San Diego, and Winter is practically non-existent in terms of weather patterns, I still am usually extremely relieved when Winter is on its way out and Spring energies start to emerge. This is because Winter is the season that has historically been the most challenging for me.
It's when I tend to experience my dark nights of the soul...when heavier emotions and patterns rise to the surface. The benefit of those times is that I clear out a lot that doesn't serve my highest and best good. I become aware of coping patterns, energies, emotions that drag me down and hold me back from being my best self...and Spirit/the Universe usually give me big opportunities to clear them out.
This is a wonderful process of growth and renewal as layers get stripped away and I emerge lighter, brighter, and a truer version of me. But the process can be quite challenging and painful, so I am usually very happy and relieved to be on the other side. I celebrate these feelings through dance and it feels wonderful! It's as if every cell in my body is reborn and can't wait to jump up and down in glee.
2) I do some kind of fast or cleanse. Fasting is a part of most spiritual traditions, and Spring is the perfect time to do a fast or cleanse. A lot of people do fasts to lose weight or cleanse their physical bodies. But a fast done mindfully also has amazing health benefits for the mind, heart, and soul.
A fast can be as simple as drinking water or juice for a day, or it can last for weeks, and there are many types of fasts one can do. I've done many fasts of varying lengths, and I have found I gain the mosts benefits when I slow down and do a fast in a reflective/mindful way. Last week, in preparation for a shamanic pilgrimage I will be going on in a few weeks, I did a salt fast, and it proved to be so healing and inspiring.
I ate food each day, but I did not eat anything with salt. This naturally inspired me to not only juice more, which I do regularly most every day, but it also caused me to eat much smaller amounts of simple foods instead of large, more complex meals. And my body felt great! I experienced gentle symptoms of a physical cleanse, and the experience helped bring me back to a way of eating that feels best for my body and digestion. It also helped me reflect on my life/work and gain clarity in how I want to experience and create in my life.
3) I beautify my environment. I get ready for this new beginning by clearing out clutter, doing some good cleaning of my space, and beautifying it. I might get fresh flowers or plants. This year, I also want to plant some herbs...cilantro, sage and mint to start with.
The act of connecting with the natural beauty of flowers and plants brings joy to my heart. It reminds me of how beautiful nature is and how there is a wonderful rhythm to the unfolding nature of growth and the blossoming of the inner beauty as a flower opens to the light. It's a process that brings me hope, optimism and comfort.
4) I spend a little time dreaming and visioning. I think every change of season is a wonderful opportunity to move forward intentionally and mindfully. It's a great time to think about what the previous season has brought into my life and consciousness and what it has taught me. I then take those reflections to create some intentions of what I want to do/experience in the coming season.
I made my Spring Magic list this weekend. It has 11 things that I want to give my time and energy to in the coming few months. Some of the items are small and some require a bigger commitment. Some are about growth and some are just fun. Some are work related and some are connected to my personal well-being, spiritual journey and relationships.
It doesn't take long to jot my ideas down, but it's a wonderful practice that sets the tone for the coming few months and helps me to focus my time and energy on the things I value most. If you want to try it, ask yourself how you want to experience the coming 3 months, what you'd like to give more or less energy to, or what positive transformations you'd like to welcome into your life.
5) I take time for ceremony. I find it deeply gratifying to honor and celebrate the passing of one season and the coming of the next through ceremony. It brings me to a place of gratitude and reminds me of the beautiful blessing of being part of this creation. So, I take time both for personal ceremony and also to do something with others.
For Spring, I like to do a personal sunrise ceremony. I will head out tomorrow to watch the sunrise and to greet and give thanks to the spirit of the East (the direction associated with Spring on the medicine wheel). I'll take a little offering of cornmeal, rice, dried fruits and offer it to the Earth and the spirits of Spring and the East. I'll say my prayers, give thanks for the blessings Winter brought me, and ask Spirit, my allies/guides, and the spirits of Spring and the East to guide, assist, and protect me in the coming season.
On Wednesday evening, I will gather with others to honor and celebrate together. We'll co-create a beautiful despacho or prayer bundle of offerings, do a healing guided visualization journey, share out intentions for the coming season, and enjoy beautiful music and movement. It's always such a blessing to share these sacred moments with others, so if you are in the San Diego area, I invite you to join us. If you're not, maybe you can find or co-create something in your area.
Whatever you do, enjoy the blessing of the coming Spring season. And if you have any questions about any of these ideas, please feel free to email me or call me.
Much love and many blessings to you all,
For San Diego friends: Join me for this magical Spring Celebration evening, which will include a healing guided visualization, heart-opening ceremony, a beautiful offering to the Earth, and joyful music/movement.
Wednesday, March 21st
6pm - 8:30pm
at the Japanese Friendship Garden
Tomorrow Tuesday March 20th is the last day to get online tickets for $25. Tickets at the door on Wednesday are $30. Purchase tickets and get more info here.